Written and directed by Maya Bastian, ‘Air Show’ is a short narrative film that interrogates the experience of newly-arrived Toronto refugees who experience the Canadian Air Show for the first time. The film aims to explore the intersection of Canadian culture and tradition with our ever-evolving climate of diversity.
Featured on CBC’s The National, Metro Morning, NewsTalk 1010, Metro Daily and Huffington Post.
Toronto air show triggers traumas of war
Huffington Post, August 29, 2016
Is it time to rethink Toronto’s Air Show?
CBC News, September 3, 2016
Air show spooks some involuntary spectators
CBC The National, September 5, 2016
Toronto filmmaker documents refugee reactions to Canadian Air Show Metro News, September 6, 2016
Are air shows thrilling or chilling?
CBC Ontario Today, September 6, 2016
Fireworks can traumatize refugees
Huffington Post, September 8, 2016